Campagne & Nationale Klimaat Week

What a great case from Campagne in The Netherlands. Check it out!

The National Climate Week 2022.
For the second year in a row, Campagne was asked to get the whole country involved.
The whole country? Yes, everybody should know about National Climate Week. That is what we call a challenge!

Because our climate is changing fast.
It’s affecting our homes, our towns, our future.

But how do we reach this broad target audience with this generic government message?
We devised a multilayered communication strategy that focused on stories close to home, to places and faces everyone knows.

We teamed up with BijlPR to find ourselves some local heroes, or as we like to call them, Klimaatburgemeesters. A local and appointed Climate Mayor for their specific municipality.

Supporting companies and organisations were dubbed Klimaatsupporters or Climate Supporters.

Both acted as recognizable faces and approachable figures who could actively share their inspiring examples.

Even our Minister for Climate and Energy Policy, Rob Jetten, became a part of our campaign!

The local, regional and national aspect of the campaign was strengthened by sharing custom local and regional press releases to give our Mayors and Supporters the spotlight they deserved.

Content with Climate Mayors and Climate Supporters was also shared on a national level both via online and offline paid and earned media.

The result exceeded all of our and the client’s expectations. Check the video and vote!


Campagne submitted this case study in the 2023 Globey submissions:

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